Prepper Security and Other Prepper Related Topics

3 Security Issues to Consider When Moving Your Business into a New Building

If you are about to move your business to a new location, one of your main priorities should be security. This is especially true if you have little knowledge of the area or building to which you are relocating.

Before you move your business into your new location, you should ensure that you evaluate the following areas.

The Security of Your New Location

Not all areas are equally secure. Some will have characteristics that make them more appealing to burglars than other areas. Before you move your business then, ensure that you thoroughly scout the area you are about to move into.

Check the following factors:

  • Isolation: Is your business now more isolated than it was before. For example, is it located near several empty buildings in a quiet area of town? If this is the case, it will be more attractive to burglars.
  • Burglary Statistics: It helps to check the burglary statistics too before you move to a new building. You could even identify the most commonly targeted businesses.
  • Existing Security: Additional security measures, such as CCTV and keyless locks are essential in areas where the burglary rate is high. Keep this in mind if your new location is less than friendly.

You also need to do a thorough examination of your building to check for previous burglary damage.

Previous Burglary Damage

Before your move your business into a new building, ensure that you sweep the building, checking all windows, doors and locks. Even damage that is hard to notice, such as a loosened windowpane, can provide a burglar with access to your building.

Remember, if someone tried to break in once, they may do so again and target the same spot as before.

The History of Your Keys and Locks

If possible, try to contact the previous tenants of the building so that you can ascertain if all the keys to the building have been handed back in or not. It can be difficult to tell just how many keys have been given out over the years. As a result, it might be best to either change your locks or have them rekeyed by a locksmith.

Hire a Commercial Locksmith

Are you moving your business to a new location? Then you probably need the help of a commercial locksmith to ensure that your new premises are safe and secure for you and your staff. Since they are more knowledgeable than general locksmiths are when it comes to security technology and lock systems, commercial locksmiths can recommend an up-to-date security system to keep your new business safe from burglars.
