Prepper Security and Other Prepper Related Topics

Three situations in which you might want to change a property's locks

Having the locks on a house changed can be costly and time-consuming. However, if you find yourself in one of the following situations, it may be a worthwhile expense.

You've moved to a new home

One of the first things you should do after moving into a new property is change the locks. There are a few reasons for this; firstly, the previous owner or tenant will most likely have multiple copies of the current keys. Whilst they are probably trustworthy people, the reality is that if you fail to change the locks, you will be allowing them to gain access to your new home whenever they wish. If you would rather not run the risk of having your property burglarised by a previous resident, it's sensible to have the locks changed by a qualified, reputable locksmith.

Secondly, skipping this important step when you move into a new house could impact your ability to make a claim on your home insurance policy in the future if you are robbed. Some providers stipulate in the terms of their agreements that customers can only claim for damages in this situation if they replaced the locks when they moved into their current property.

Your house has been burglarised

Having your home burglarised can be a very distressing experience. However, it's crucial to act quickly to restore the security of your property, as a door lock that has been picked or forced open will leave your home at risk of future break-ins.

The silver lining in this very difficult situation is that a break-in provides you with the perfect opportunity to improve your existing home security. Rather than replacing the damaged lock with a similar model, have a discussion with your local locksmith about whether there is another style which might be more effective at securing your property.

You've lost your keys

When a person loses their house keys, they usually find them within an hour or two. In the vast majority of cases, the keys have simply been misplaced temporarily. However, if after searching for hours (or even days) on end, you still cannot locate your house keys, it's important to be aware that they may have been stolen.

Whilst a lot of burglars gain access to properties by breaking a window or prying open a door, some do so by stealing a homeowners' house keys and using these to enter the targeted house. This is why, if your house keys go missing for more than a day or so, it is usually better to have the locks changed, rather than simply making a copy of another duplicate that you have given to a friend or a neighbour.
